Friday 20 July 2012

Colour co-ordinated!

Its nice to see people take pride in what they do or enjoy, and these people obviously care about their horses! What a lovely colour co-ordinated bunch of people and animals they are...

Roses are red... no wait!

Wait, these roses aren't red! But they're still very pretty and I'd love a bunch or two to be bought for me, any offers?!

Board Games

Well, its nice to sometimes capture something a little bit different which is exactly what I done for my AS Photography year at sixth form. I was given a theme which I was totally unsure about, and so decided I'd do board games, took me back to my childhood!

Au Natural!

Another 'woodland' styled photo, again, a shallow depth of field which I love and the detail on the tree trunk in the foreground of the photo. Not sure what my aim was when I took this photo though...

Tweet Tweet

Not sure what type of bird this is? But I love the shallow depth of field in this photo.

A bit Brown..

Whilst this photo's main colour seems to be brown, which lets face it is a pretty dull colour, I love this photo! Im not sure what it is, but I know for sure one reason why I love it is the angle. The wood isn't straight on in the photo, to me, that makes it more interesting, but what do you think?

Oooooh, another edit!

Im in two minds about this edit, whilst I think the photo works well in black and white and Im happy with the eyes being the shade of this little princesses real eye colour, Im just not sure about the pink lips.. Think I might have made a mistake on this one. Ohwell, I'll share it with you anyway, we all make mistakes 'ey!

4 Legged Friend

Such a cute little dog, friendly, happy and everyones best friend! Rest In Peace Little Man x

I think his name is Harry!

Is his name Harry or do you think he looks like a something else? I used my 100-300 lens to shoot this, after all it might be a bit of a prickly situation if I'd have gotten too close!

First edited photo on my blog so far!

The first photo on this blog that has been edited is the one above, all my other photos are files that have come straight from the camera!

Will it happen in 2012?

Summer seems months away, but realisticly we should be seeing sights like this now. Come on summer, come and join us!

Whats the saying, better late than never?

Better late than never, I've just got round to updating my blog with LAST years harvest photos, I thought I had better to do it before this years harvest comes around, then again, with this wet weather, when will it be?!

Olympic Torch- Acle

It went something along the lines of a 5.45am alarm, a cup of tea with my manager at 6.30am and then in position ready for the flame by 7am with my sister. But was an hour and 15 minute wait in the same place worth it to see 2 minutes of the Olympic torch? It certainly was! The Lloyds entertainers were great (top photo), the atmosphere was brilliant, the police (even if there were loads of them!) donea great job, and I actually saw the Olympic Torch (well one of many!)
Really impressed with these photos of the Torch bearer and flame, but I'm a little dissapointed the Police didn't know where the torch bearers were swapping over and so I only got the chance to photograph one of the torch bearers! Oh well, we'll see how the film photos come out...

Sunday 1 July 2012

Contact Details

If anyone wants to contact me at all, please feel free to drop me an email;
I can promise you a reply :)
Thanks for looking,
Poppy x

An array of colours

I'd be happy to recieve a bouquet with these colours in! Last photo I'm going to leave you with today...

RAF Parachutes

Wish I had the skills and bravery to do something like this! You'll be pleased to know, all landed safely!


Very rare to be able to capture a timid bird like this up close, pretty impressed with myself if im honest.

Proud to be from Norfolk!

Royal Norfolk Show 29th June 2012
As always, another year at the Norfolk Show. This year I decided I would carry around hundreds of pounds worth of heavy photographic equipment though- do I regret it? No of course not!
Managed to persuade my dad to stay in the grand ring to watch his boss (the two photos of the man parading the cow)
Got to photograph the beautiful horses doing their thing and even saw the two highland cattle, how cute are they!
The aching feet, sore arms, aching shoulder and sunburn were worth it for the photos I got!

Farmer Girl!

I am just lucky I guess to have such a close bond with my Grandad who lives and breathes farming! He was so proud of me when I photographed his cattle and so I thought I'd better share...

Woodland Walks

A little bit of a different aspect to the tree's! Yes, the leaves blowing around can be a pain but see, tree's can be beautiful!

Pirbright Parade

April 27th- Pirbright Army Passing Out Parade. Le Cateau and Colenso Troops
What a complete pleasure it was to be there, to see our future soliders pass out as official soliders. The weather stayed nice (well I was under a tin roof!), a few sudden showers and some very wet soliders but I got some cracking shots and can't fault how smart they all looked.

What a smart band!

I'm not quite sure what it is that I love about these two photos. Is it the bright red stripe against the rest of the dark navy uniform? Or is it their straight posture? Or how they all walk at the same time? I'll leave that decision up to you!

Hmm, should I lick the spoon?!

I loved every minute of this shoot with Lilly. She was an absolute star to photograph and was kept so happy by making cakes!