Friday 31 August 2012

Abandoned Place

Walking through long grass with a heavy camera bag loaded with 2 cameras and a spare lens alongside all the filters I found this cosy little spot. An old farm building, almost abandoned, quiet, peaceful and tranquil.

Another Year, Another Harvest

 One of my summer 'must do's' is go and watch my dad combine. A nice sunny day, the dust covering me, the crop getting in between my toes and the wheat making me itch. Of course, all this is worth it if I get a few shots which im pleasantly happy with.

Thursday 30 August 2012

Sweet like chocolate

Dad purchases over 1000g of Haribo gold bears and the first thing I say is "Can I take some photos before you eat them?
Mum gets a tin of heroes, first thing I say.. well I'll leave you to solve that riddle

A day at Eaton Park

Peaceful, tranquil setting with children running around and enjoying the outdoors. What a perfect summers day!

Model of the future

Anyone would think I had access to two gorgeous little girls who I could take photos of! What photogenic little girls I have captured in both of these photos... 
Don't they say concentration is the key to success? The bottom photo displays this perfectly in a natural shot


A cheeky little wink and an adorable little face- what more could you ask for in a little girl?

my gorgeous goddaughter

The cheeky grin is the one thing that makes this little monster so photogenic!